Saturday, May 22, 2010

Now That I've Commented On The AZ Bill, I Invite You To Actually Read The Damn Thing

Eric Holder Admits He Hasn't Read Arizona Immigration Bill

It's a very simple concept that
  • President Obama
  • Eric Holder (the flippin' US Attorney General for Christ's Sake!), or even
  • Janet Napolitano, (a former governor of Arizona!)
...have apparently missed.

That is the concept of knowing the subject before opening your mouth to speak.

I don't consider myself an intellectual by any means, but if I don't know a subject, I STFU until I do.  I read the bill.  Three times so far.  It is the easiest bill I have ever read.

I was trying to discuss this with a co-worker the other day.  That person had not read the bill, but exclaimed it would lead to racial profiling.  That drew a look of puzzlement from me.  The other co-worker in the room didn't want us to discuss it any longer because they can't stand to hear opinions that differ from theirs (IMHO, based on 4 yrs of discussions with this person).

Who am I & Who The Hell Are You?

There are only a few things that I truly believe and trust in.  Those are (in no particular order):
  • The Constitution of the United States and it's amendments.
  • My wife.
  • Ronald Reagan, the person, the patriot.
  • Small & limited federal, state and local governments.
All else is mistrusted at some level, however some things more than others.  Such as:
  • Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Fundamentalist Sharia and anyone who would enslave people to these concepts.
  • Those who consider my taxes as the government's money.
  • Those who would allow anyone to enjoy the rights of a US citizen without first earning the privilege through naturalization or military service.
  • Those who blindly follow ideology because they want to be part of the mob. (aka, "Useful Idiots")
  • Those who actually believe that government exists to help us solve our problems.
  • Those who would allow our public schools to become Marxist training camps.

I could go on and on, but Google doesn't have enough disk space to hold the complete list of my mistrusts.