Tuesday, June 22, 2010

General McCrystal

I still have the parking stub from my first protest in Sacramento in my wallet. Why? Because it was the first time since I was out of the service that I could express myself without fear of repercussion.

When you're in the military, the only time you are allowed to say anything contrary to your superiors is when beyond any reasonable doubt keeping silent will disgrace the U.S. and your service.  This falls under the heading of 'Obeying Lawful Orders'.

There's a lot of gray area in what is lawful and what isn't.  Anyone who's never been in or around the military will have difficulty in understanding this fact.  Most civilians think that if something is clearly illegal, then you disobey the order.  Those people would end up in military prison.

So, General McCrystal, I find myself very clearly against you for speaking your mind, as much as I might agree with you.  You see...unlike most progressives I've met, I still believe in the rule of law and in honor.

There is no honor in speaking ill about your superiors and indeed it is unlawful under UCMJ Subchapter X, Section 888, Article 88 as I linked in the first paragraph.  You should be removed from your post and asked to resign by the President.

While there is no honor in what you said, there's definitely stupidity and a self-destructive tone in it.

I want to thank you on behalf of all of us who agree with your thoughts on the Prez and others for setting us back another notch and giving progressive idiots more fuel with which to fight us.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

About Dollars In Circulation: Your Brain Will Hurt, But Please Tay Apension (grin)

As you voted today, I hope you kept our economy in mind.

Please watch this short video knowing that I verified the numbers stated in this video with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Interestingly, the Fed of NY did not have these numbers available; they had composite numbers that would make your head spin.

As this is a simple look at just one small part of our economy, remember there's so much more to worry about besides this indicator.

Amature and professional economists out there; please feel free to chime in. The St. Louis Fed link to verify the currency numbers is here.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Argument Continues...

OK...This Brian Chase guy is really bringing the 'right wing' out of me in a big way...We've been going back and forth the last couple of days on Tom Campbell's FaceBook page.  My love of debate started with this SNL clip from the late 1970's.

Here's the last two exchanges...I love debate.

Brian Chase: Again, thank you for confirming my point. The Republican base thinks name calling = argument. Nominating Campbell would be a move away from all of that. Therefore the Republicans will not nominate him. Unfortunately, the Republican base is too wedded to its anger and silly class resentment.

I do respect the chutzpah necessary to consider an ex-CEO the "non-elitist" in the race. Welcome to Bizzaro World.
Brian McQuaig: Brian, thanks for setting me straight. I sure don't know what we'd do without you doing our thinking for us. But, please explain to me the logic behind your remark about CEOs and non-elitists. Is it your contention that because someone went to school (and actually applied themselves), learned how to run a business, created jobs for people... is that how you define elitist?? Are you flippin' serious?
How about considering the person who has spent their ENTIRE adult life in public service. Never made a dime creating a product or service. Never added anything except the burden of taxes to pay for their sorry ass. Who should be the ruling class in this society? The ones who actually make something of themselves and enrich their lives and the lives of others by their actions? Or should the ruling class be those parasites that feed off of taxes, create laws that get in the way of a free and productive society (enter Ms. Boxer). Well my dear namesake...its neither. The day a ruling class is formalized in this nation is the day civil war breaks out. Brian, your IQ can't be that high that you use the old, "name calling means your ignorant" ploy.
Please continue your eighth-grade-debate-team arguments here and I will continue to tear at you. However...all this fun still doesn't erase the fact no matter who wins the nomination, someone has to beat Boxer. Mr. Campbell is the only one close enough.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Sometimes I Surprise Even Myself! LOL!

I just wanted to paste a rant I left at the Tom Campbell for Senate FaceBook site today that makes me giggle at myself.  Some nimrod was pro-Barbara Boxer, I was having a lousy day at work and I just had to spit my venom out at someone:

Brian McQuaig: Anyone stupid enough to vote for Boxer deserves what they get and worse. But I'm telling you now...I won't allow you or others like you to drag me down that road with you. Boxer must go. She's a shrill for International ANSWER, Code Pink and her own little brand of STUPID. Her disdain for those she sees as 'below' her makes me sick. She has proven time and again in word and action that she considers herself as part of a ruling class. Well...not in this country, you bitch. Defeat this elitist PIG!! Other than those points, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Paul McCartney: Shut The **** Up and Sing

Anyone who knows me personally knows I am a big Beatles fan and that has lead me to be a Paul McCartney fan as well.  Deservedly so, McCartney has proven that he is a genius at songwriting both with music and lyrics.  He is also one of the best natural bass players ever born.  Anyone who has tried, knows that digging ditches is easier work than writing a truly memorable song.  I admire his work ethic, the relationship he had with Linda; a model marriage, and the fact that he's just a regular guy.  OK, a regular GENIUS guy with a gazillion bucks, but he doesn't carry himself like a snob at all.  I admire him for all of these attributes.

Enter Paul the other day and his comments about Obama and Bush.

Now I understand why Paul would be snookered into thinking Obama is some great leader.  Paul is, in a lot of ways, just a regular guy.  A lot of intelligent people I know have gulped-down that Kool-Aid and cannot see that he's a front-man for International ANSWER; clearly a socialist, if not leaning towards communism.  There are a lot of regular guys that don't know anything about history and can't see past what's going on in their own world, let alone what's going on in our governments.

Paul.  You're a socialist at heart; this is not a compliment, sir.  You must think the machine (capitalism/democracy) that made you rich and gave you the freedom to be who you are, is not good enough for others.  You want something better for people; I admire you for wanting this.  However, since the 70's you Brits have swallowed the socialism poison.  How has it worked for you over there, Paul?  Oh...I don't really mean you...because you have your ranches and farms and large houses in London.  You're doing just fine.  How has it been workin' for your mates...your fellow Britains?  How's your portfolio doing in Euros lately, Paul?

You're the most disciplined, most talented person on this planet as far as I am concerned.  But socialists such as you...and so-called 'progressives' in my country are tearing down the fabric of what makes my country better than any country on Earth.  Socialism will bring mediocrity and will strip what's left of our freedom here in the United States.  If you know any history, Paul, you'd realize that.  Just like Lenin, just like Stalin, someone down the road won't be satisfied with socialism, and they'll end up starving millions in the US.  A little bit of history repeating.  Anyone that doesn't realize this is doomed.  Of course, I won't be around to worry about this; I'll be languishing in prison somewhere: People will not sit still if our Constitution is threatened.  Did you read that, Homeland Security, you fucking NAZIs?

I spent precious $$ getting tickets to your concert in San Francisco in July.  Made precious because my state and federal governments are TRILLIONS in debt and now I have to pay the price in taxes and pay cuts.

You've already kinda ruined the concert for me.  Please just shut up on things you're ignorant about and sing.  Damn, I wish Linda was still with us.  I know she was the same politically as you are, but she'd certainly stop you from making an ass out of yourself.