Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's Amazing!

If you don't update your software on a regular basis:
  • Your computer with either crash under the weight of change occurring around it, OR
  • Your computer will become obsolete and unable to function with the outside world.
There is a direct parallel to updating your software and updating the programming you received while you were in school.  You receive the liberal/socialist drivel while by the left-wing maggots that infest our secondary and higher educational institutions.  It's just part of the service.  When you get out into the real world, and if you actually open your eyes and use your brain, you see that socialism in practice breeds mediocrity.

If you're satisfied with mediocrity, then I hope you're happy that socialists are now in power in Washington.  God bless you, you ignorant fucks.

If you're not satisfied with a mediocre existence, then get off your ass and vote on November 2nd.  And don't blindly vote for Republicans damn you!  Vote for people who you believe will defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

You'd think that after leaving school and making their way into the real world they'd see how self-destructive liberal/socialist ideals are in practice.

Eventually, all you socialists out there will:
  • Crash under the weight of the change occurring around you, OR
  • You will become obsolete and unable to function with the outside world.

“All socialism involves slavery” - Herbert Spencer

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